

  • Location Canada
  • Energy Hydroelectricity
  • Client Hydro-Québec
  • Status In operation
  • Commissioned 2007
  • Acquired 2013
  • PPA expiry 2032
  • Gross installed capacity 40.6
  • Participation Innergex (%) 99.9
  • Partnership Municipalité régionale de comté de Minganie
Magpie is a 40.6 MW run-of-river hydroelectric facility located on Crown lands in the Minganie Regional County Municipality, in Northeastern Quebec. This facility began commercial operations in 2007, and all of the electricity it produces is sold to Hydro-Québec under a 25-year fixed-price power purchase agreement. Magpie has an average annual production of approximately 185,000 MWh.
The Magpie facility is owned in partnership with the Minganie Regional County Municipality, which holds 30% of the voting units and 0.004% of the common units of the facility, as well as a convertible debenture that entitles it to a 30% interest in the facility upon conversion of the debenture on or before January 1, 2025.