
Innergex main sponsor of the 2017 Teweikan Aboriginal Music Gala

Innergex is proud to support the 2017 Teweikan Aboriginal Music Gala, organized by the Société de communication Atikamekw-Montagnais (SOCAM), which will take place in in October 2017 at the Capitole de Québec. The event aims to promote and recognize excellence in Aboriginal music in Québec and Labrador, while contributing to its production and dissemination.

On Thursday, October 6, 2016, a benefit dinner show for the Teweikan Gala will be held at the Hôtel Château Laurier in Québec, with the participation of President and Chief Executive Officer of Innergex Michel Letellier. This evening will be an opportunity to see and hear several First Nations artists that characterize the quality and excellence of Aboriginal music from our region.

Innergex wishes you an excellent dinner show and 2017 Teweikan Gala.