
Innergex supports AQPER’s “Parlons renouvelable” campaign

The Association québécoise de la production d'énergie renouvelable (AQPER) invites the public to a major discussion on the contribution of renewable energies in Quebec. Under the theme Parlons renouvelable (Let's talk about renewables), this conversation will provide an opportunity to discuss the various issues surrounding the production of energy from wind, solar, biomass, small hydro, biogas and biofuels. We invite you to visit the website. You'll find all the information you need on the various renewable energy sectors and their economic, social and environmental contribution. You're invited to ask any questions you may have about renewable energies. AQPER is planning a number of other information and dialogue initiatives over the coming months, including conferences in every region of Quebec and events designed to raise public awareness of the various renewable energy production channels and their importance in the fight against climate change. Innergex is proud to support this initiative and invites you to talk renewable.