

  • Ubicación Chile
  • Energía Energía solar
  • Cliente Various
  • Estado In operation
  • Puesta en servicio 2014
  • Adquisición 2020
  • Vencimiento de PPA 2030
  • Potencia bruta instalada 68
  • Participación Innergex (%) 100
The Salvador solar photovoltaic farm is located in the Atacama Desert near El Salvador in the Atacama Region of Chile. This area has some of the highest levels of solar irradiation in the world at an elevation of over 1,200 metres The 138 hectare facility consists of 160,000 SunPower modules for a total of 70 MW of Direct Current or 68 MW of Alternating Current producing on average 182,200 MWh of electricity per year, enough to power more than 70,000 Chilean households with clean energy. Salvador was commissioned in 2014 and delivers its total output to the Sistema Interconectado Central (SIC) power grid, where it receives a merchant market price.