

  • Ubicación Canadá
  • Energía Energía eólica
  • Cliente Hydro-Québec
  • Estado In operation
  • Puesta en servicio 2006
  • Vencimiento de PPA 2026
  • Potencia bruta instalada 109.5
  • Participación Innergex (%) 100
The Baie-des-Sables wind farm is a 109.5 MW wind power facility located in Baie-des-Sables and Métis-sur-Mer, Québec. Innergex developed the wind farm jointly with TransCanada. Construction of the Baie-des-Sables wind farm commenced in March 2006 and was completed, as scheduled, in November 2006. Electricity produced by the Baie-des-Sables wind farm is sold to Hydro-Québec pursuant to a long-term PPA.