Attention: You must notify Innergex at least 48 hours prior to any of the dates indicated below to confirm that you will utilize navigational flows using the preferred flow release submission.
Rutherford Creek relies on the snowmelt from Ipsoot and Appa Glaciers. To preserve recreational kayaking interests in the Rutherford creek watershed, Rutherford Creek Power LP developed a kayaking training center on the site of the Rutherford Creek facility, just downstream from the powerhouse. This 650m-long kayak park is managed by CanoeKayak BC and its access is limited to the Association’s members.
The flows indicated at the top of the page are updated every 15 minutes. While the information is reliable, human or technical error remains a possibility. Hence, this information is indicative only. Therefore, Rutherford Creek Power LP does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information and cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions or for the use of, or results obtained from, this information.
Rutherford Creek Power LP cannot guarantee the flow of the river nor the flow out of the powerhouse, given natural flow variations and the need to occasionally undertake maintenance activities.
Furthermore, Rutherford Creek Power LP may not be held liable for any changes in the flow in the kayak park, as the flow available in the kayak park is managed by, and at the discretion of, the kayak park management.
Data users are cautioned to consider carefully the provisional nature of the information before using said information in making decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences.
To enjoy paddling on Rutherford Creek, please observe the safety guidelines as requested by CanoeKayak BC.
For more information, visit,
Total Flow
Tiempo de medida 2025-03-10 23:23:05
Diversion Reach
Tiempo de medida 2025-03-10 23:23:05